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Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire

Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire
Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire
This year again, on December 7th, we hosted the "Tiny Bookshop" by Secours Populaire in the center. This pop-up sale of second-hand books allowed Secours Populaire to give a second life to many books while raising funds to support their initiatives.

The starred soup returns to its roots

The starred soup returns to its roots
The starred soup returns to its roots
Starting November 19 and running until December 24, visit the Starred Soup stand in partnership with Humanis. Prepared by Michelin-starred chefs, this soup might just be the best you’ve ever tasted!

All proceeds from the soup sales will go toward supporting the solidarity projects of the Humanis collective.

Not only will you be doing a good deed, but you'll also treat yourself to a delicious experience!

Head over to the stand on Level 0, in front of Auchan, to learn more.

Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire

Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire
Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire
This year again, on May 16 & 17, we hosted the "Tiny Bookshop" by Secours Populaire in the center. This pop-up sale of second-hand books allowed Secours Populaire to give a second life to many books while raising funds to support their initiatives.

Printemps des Tendances

Printemps des Tendances
Printemps des Tendances
From April 13 to 27, Place des Halles, in partnership with local cultural organizations such as RBS radio and NL Contest, hosted an event focused on new urban trends. The goal? To introduce visitors and their children to new activities while offering moments of music, culture, and art. They were able to enjoy DJing workshops, skate/roller/scooter sessions, graffiti workshops, radio shows recorded at the center, DJ sets, and a live graffiti demo.

EPA Sales Exhibition

EPA Sales Exhibition
EPA Sales Exhibition
On April 6, 2024, we hosted the Sales Fair of the Entreprendre pour Apprendre association within the center. This event allows the Mini-Entrepreneurs from the program to test the sales phase of the product or service they have created during their journey, in real conditions, with the center's customers.

The Second Life

The Second Life
The Second Life
Since late 2021, Place des Halles has been offering the The Second Life service within the center: a physical clothing collection point at the reception kiosk, in exchange for a gift card. Since 2023, our customers can enjoy this service during the center's full operating hours, and an online collection option has been developed, making the service accessible from home, 24/7.

Soupe Etoilée Humanis

Soupe Etoilée Humanis
Soupe Etoilée Humanis
From November 27 to December 24, Place des Halles hosted the Starred Soup event organized by the Humanis solidarity collective.

Four original soups, created by Michelin-starred chefs from Alsace, were sold in the center, with proceeds going toward supporting the initiatives of Humanis.

Eveillez vos sens en cuisine

Eveillez vos sens en cuisine
Eveillez vos sens en cuisine
From October 9 to 21, during Taste Week, Place des Halles offered its visitors activities centered around the 5 senses in cooking.

Over the course of two weeks, they had the opportunity to test their senses in the dark, attend "zero waste" culinary workshops with Chef Emmanuel Stemper, shop at our mini-market featuring local producers on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and even take photos in an immersive "watermelon" themed setting.


On September 2, 2023, the Run&Dance took place at the Jardin des Deux Rives: a colorful and family-friendly running event, with Place des Halles as the title partner for several years. We share the sporting and cultural values of this event, for which we give away race bibs on our social media channels.

Place à la protection des océans

Place à la protection des océans
Place à la protection des océans
From May 15 to 27, Place des Halles offered its visitors two weeks of awareness on ocean protection, encouraging the adoption of the right habits.
Did you know that 80% of ocean pollution comes from rivers like the Rhine? In Strasbourg, we are also concerned with ocean protection, and we have the opportunity to take action through more responsible shopping and smart consumption, focusing on less polluting and more sustainable alternatives. This is why we organized activities and playful spaces to learn more about the oceans, their preservation, and the small actions we can all take to do our part.

Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire

Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire
Toute Petite Librairie du Secours Populaire
On May 12 & 13 and December 7 & 8, Secours Populaire set up its "Tiny Bookshop" within the center: a pop-up sale of second-hand books to support the organization's actions for the most disadvantaged.

In total, over the four days, 3,100 books were sold!

Stand CEED

Stand CEED
Stand CEED
On April 26, we welcomed the CEED to a stand within the center to offer our customers free, anonymous, and painless "express" diabetes screenings.
A total of 81 blood sugar tests were performed during the day, and 8 suspicious or abnormal blood sugar levels were detected in individuals who were unaware of their condition.

Salon des ventes EPA

Salon des ventes EPA
Salon des ventes EPA
On March 25, 2023, the Sales Fair of the Entreprendre pour Apprendre association was held within the center. This event allowed the Mini-Entrepreneurs from the program to test the sales phase of the products they had developed during their journey, in real conditions, with the center’s customers.


On March 1, we hosted the team from the SENSGENE program and partner associations within the center for an informational and awareness-raising stand on rare diseases, following the 16th International Rare Disease Day on February 28, 2023.

The Second Life

The Second Life
The Second Life
Since the end of 2021, Place des Halles has been offering The Second Life service within the center: a physical clothing collection at the reception kiosk, in exchange for a gift card. In 2023, the physical collection hours were expanded, allowing customers to access the service during the center's full operating hours. Additionally, an online collection option was developed, making the service accessible from home, 24/7.

Soupe étoilée by Humanis

Soupe étoilée by Humanis
Soupe étoilée by Humanis

From November 21 st to December 23 rd , Place des Halles hosted the Soupe étoilée (Starred soup) event organised by the Humanis group of solidarity associations. Four original and delicious soups, prepared by local star chefs, were on sale in the shopping centre, with proceeds going to support Humanis’ actions.

En octobre, on s’engage

En octobre, on s’engage
En octobre, on s’engage

All through October, Place des Halles raised awareness of social and environmental issues by organising fun and artistic activities as well as charitable initiatives:

- Sneakers Addict – custom & DIY: two sneakers customisation stands, with artists or DIY

- Mon vélo s’énergise (Boost my bike) by Ohm&Watt: bike electrification demos by Strasbourg bike shop Ohm&Watt

- Eco-art by Kholab: an ecological fresco made of 150 recycled jeans, created in a live painting in the shopping centre and then exhibited during the whole month with the possibility to buy the canvases to support the NGO Octop’us

- Forum de l’Emploi (Employment Forum): a giant job dating in the shopping centre in collaboration with Pôle Emploi

- Défi solidaire with La Strasbourgeoise: a treadmill with a challenge (“1 km run = €10 donated to La Strasbourgeoise” + a “Rose du Rotary” auction to support La Strasbourgeoise + a flashmob on the theme of breast self-exam “Atouna Palpito” + the “le salon rose” (the pink lounge) of La Strasbourgeoise

- PlastiCycle & vélo vidéo by Ludik Energie: two stands to turn cycling into electrical energy, watch videos of the NGO Octop’us or create an object from plastic bottle caps

- Hallogreen: a stand with DIY Halloween decorations as well as sustainable make-up for children

- A competition to win 3 bike electrifications and 15 canvases from Kholab’s eco-work



On September 3rd, the Run&Dance race took place in the Jardin des Deux Rives. Place des Halles has been a title partner for several years of this foot race inspired by Holi, a famous Indian festival also known as the “Festival of Colours”, which marks the beginning of spring.

Place des Halles shares Run&Dance’s sporting and family values.

Toute Petite Librairie by Secours Populaire

Toute Petite Librairie by Secours Populaire
Toute Petite Librairie by Secours Populaire

On June 3rd and 4th, as well as December 9th and 10th, Place des Halles hosted the Secours Populaire’s Toute Petite Librairie: a small stand run by volunteers, offering second-hand books in themed collections (novels, classics and contemporary literature, personal accounts, travelogues, history, biographies, children’s books, etc.). Proceeds from sales support the work of Secours Populaire for people in need.

Le Ceed

Le Ceed
Le Ceed

On June 1st and November 2nd 2022, the CeeD carried out two diabetes screening days for visitors of the shopping centre, each of which resulted in the detection of around 15 abnormal blood sugar levels. In total, 240 glucose-screening tests were performed over the two days. These fast screenings (60 seconds) are free, anonymous and painless, and can save lives!

The Second Life

The Second Life
The Second Life
The Second Life

Since the end of 2021, Place des Halles has been offering The Second Life service in the shopping centre. Visitors are invited to drop off the clothes they want to part with at the collection point, which has been integrated into the reception kiosk since last June. The Second Life team checks the clothes and, by using a connected price guide, gives a trade-in price for the items dropped off: if the visitor agrees to the price, they receive the money in the form of a Place des Halles gift card, and the items that aren’t bought can be left on the spot to be collected by Relais Est.

Run & Dance

Run & Dance
Run & Dance

In partnership with the Association des Courses de Strasbourg Europe, Place des Halles has been promoting sports for 4 years. This 5 km race, family and friendly, is accessible to all (1,500 runners)! It ends with a big concert. This year, it was organized by the local radio n°1 Top Music at the Jardins des 2 Rives.

The Second Life

The Second Life
The Second Life

Did you know that? By 2023, second-hand clothes will represent 27% of French people's wardrobes! From November 26, 2021 to March 26, 2022, a collection kiosk is present in the aisles of the shopping center, on level 1. Customers are invited to drop off the clothes that are lying around in their closets. Using The second Life app, the team on site is able to give a quick estimate of the trade-in price of the dropped off item. The customer instantly receives a Place des Halles gift card for the amount of the clothes dropped off. The collected products are then resold offline by the partners of The Second Life; those which are not taken back have the possibility of being given to the association Le Relais Est! Give importance to the circular economy :-)


From November 21st to December 23rd, Place des Halles hosted the Soupe étoilée (Starred soup) event organised by the Humanis group of solidarity associations. Four original and delicious soups, prepared by local star chefs, were on sale in the shopping centre, with proceeds going to support Humanis’ actions.

Les Virades de L’espoir

Les Virades de L’espoir
Les Virades de L’espoir

Let's give breath for those who lack it. For more than 10 years, Place des Halles has supported the association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose alongside the Virades de Gambsheim.

Dépistage Diabète

Dépistage Diabète
Dépistage Diabète

In France, more than 1 million citizens are unaware of having diabetes. Not being informed, not being followed up can imply many risks and complications for the health of the person concerned. On October 22, a screening day was held at the center during which 86 screenings were conducted.

Forum de l’emploi

Forum de l’emploi
Forum de l’emploi

Promoting recruitment and reintegration! For the 3rd edition, in partnership with Pôle Emploi, the Employment Forum took place on October 19. + More than 30 companies were present, with more than 150 job offers in all sectors to be filled. More than 300 visitors came to the Job Forum, many recruitments were made!

La Strasbourgeoise

La Strasbourgeoise
La Strasbourgeoise

In partnership with the Office des Sports and the Rotary Club, Place des Halles joined the association to fight against female cancers, especially breast cancer. During the month of October, a pink box was placed on Place à la Vie in order to collect half bras with words to create a work of art that will be sold during the 2022 edition. The funds will be donated to the fight against breast cancer.

Secours Populaire

Secours Populaire
Secours Populaire

Thanks to their sales of second-hand books, the Secours Populaire collects funds for the most underprivileged. From September 23 to 25, the association "La toute petite librairie de Secours Populaire" sold 2,200 second-hand books. The sales raised nearly 3000€!

Halloween Main dans la main

Halloween Main dans la main
Halloween Main dans la main

Place des Halles has organized a toy collection from October 23 to 30, 2021 to benefit a local association: La Main du Cœur. Since 2009, this association works to help disadvantaged children in care. In total, 1,875 toys were collected and €4,000 in gift cards were donated to participants.

Les Restos de Coeur

Les Restos de Coeur
Les Restos de Coeur

Each year, the Restaurants du Cœur organizes a national collection at the beginning of March. In partnership with Auchan Place des Halles, the volunteers of the restaurants are present to collect foodstuffs in the aisles of the shopping center. In 2021, 2 905 kg of 1st necessity products were collected.

Don du sang

Don du sang
Don du sang

Following the call for blood needs launched after the 1st wave of Covid 2020 by the EFS, we contacted the organization in order to accompany them in the realization of a blood collection by proposing to put at their disposal one of our premises dedicated to ephemeral events. The EFS responded favorably to our call. On August 31, 2020, the first blood drive took place at Place des Halles. 6 blood drives were organized in 2021 with 376 donors!




Humanis is a collective of 96 associations active in the field of local and international solidarity. The associations that make up the collective are local branches of large NGOs as well as small and medium-sized international solidarity associations. They carry out development projects in more than 40 countries and intervene in various sectors: health, education, agriculture, human rights... From December 2 to 24, volunteers held a stand where 4 soups prepared with the know-how of four star chefs were offered for sale to take away

La Strasbourgeoise

La Strasbourgeoise
La Strasbourgeoise

In partnership with the Office des Sports and within the framework of the 10 years of the Strasbourgeoise, Place des Halles joined the association, to fight against the feminine cancers, notably of the breast. 1 flashmob was performed on the Place des Halles square to raise awareness of this cause.

Run & Dance

Run & Dance
Run & Dance

In partnership with the Association des Courses de Strasbourg Europe, Place des Halles has been promoting sports for the past 4 years. This 5 km race, family and friendly, is accessible to all (1,500 runners)! It ends with a big concert. This year, it was organized by the local radio n°1: Top Music at the Jardins des 2 Rives.

Don Du Sang

Don Du Sang
Don Du Sang

Following the call for blood launched after the confinement by the EFS, we contacted the organization in order to accompany them in the realization of a blood collection by proposing to make available to them one of our cells dedicated to ephemeral events. The partnership has been renewed for 2021 with several collection sessions during the year

Vide Dressing Eco Responsable

Vide Dressing Eco Responsable
Vide Dressing Eco Responsable

Place des Halles has created a unique event in France by conducting an action :

Solidarity: the clothes not recovered are given to an association "Le Relais Est", Eco responsible : Collecting and selling second hand items. (The money from the sale is transformed into Place des Halles gift cards) Charity: for each item purchased, 1€ is donated to the Hospitals of France

Les Restaurants du Coeur

Les Restaurants du Coeur
Les Restaurants du Coeur

Each year, the Restaurants du Cœur organizes a national collection at the beginning of March. In partnership with Auchan Place des Halles, the volunteers of the restaurants are present to collect foodstuffs in the aisles of the shopping center.


European Futsal

European Futsal
European Futsal

Place des Halles was a partner of the European Futsal Cup which aims to bring together a maximum of children around the practice of soccer, but also and especially the discovery of new languages or soccer cultures. This event brings together 250 young footballers representing 20 teams of national and international renown.

Run & Dance

Run & Dance
Run & Dance

In partnership with the Association des Courses de Strasbourg Europe, for the past 3 years, Place des Halles has been promoting the practice of sports. This 5 km race, is accessible to all (1500 runners)! And closes with a great concert NRJ Extravadance"" at the Tennis Club of Strasbourg, located in the Wacken - European Parliament district.

Salon des mini-entreprises – EPA

Salon des mini-entreprises – EPA
Salon des mini-entreprises – EPA

Entreprendre pour Apprendre (EPA) is an association that aims to help young people discover their potential, reveal their talent, develop their autonomy, responsibility and self-confidence. In 2018, EPA accompanied 480 young people aged 14 to 25 throughout the region. On March 30, 2019, 18 teams of mini-entrepreneurs, young people between the ages of 14 and 25, presented their business projects and sold their products at the various spaces in the aisles of the mall.

Secours Populaire

Secours Populaire
Secours Populaire

La petite Librairie by Secours populaire: Every year, volunteers from the Secours populaire, come to sell used books in the mall. All the profits of this day are donated to the association for the benefit of the most disadvantaged. 2100 books recycled in 3 days in 2019

La Croix Rouge

La Croix Rouge
La Croix Rouge

The objective is to encourage people with a ticket restau card to give at least 1€ to the food aid association. Each euro collected allows to distribute a meal to a person in a vulnerable situation.

Les Virades de l’espoir

Les Virades de l’espoir
Les Virades de l’espoir

Let's give breath for those who lack it. For 10 years, Place des Halles has supported the association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose alongside the Virades de Gambsheim. This year, on Saturday, September 14th, a dozen volunteers dressed up in costumes of the greatest cartoon characters in order to meet the general public and make them aware of the cause.

Place au Partage

Place au Partage
Place au Partage

On the occasion of the new school year, Place des Halles has created an event by conducting a solidarity action with local partners: Le Relais Est and Emaus All the collected books or clothes were given to the associations.

Place à l’emploi

Place à l’emploi
Place à l’emploi

In partnership with Pôle Emploi, Emile Mathis agency, a recruitment fair was organized in the aisles of the shopping center and in a 200m² ephemeral space intended for "young people", located on level 1. This fair allowed 22 companies and local actors to meet 2000 people and to receive more than 600 applications with very interesting profiles for 50 job offers. The companies welcomed this different way of recruiting, in a place conducive to meetings, very interesting profiles and are eager to repeat the experience.

Initiative Strasbourg

Initiative Strasbourg
Initiative Strasbourg

A project led by the platform of Initiative Strasbourg in partnership with the Rotary interclubs Eurometropole and Place des Halles. An ephemeral store of 120 m², located on the 1st floor of the shopping center, has seen 8 young local entrepreneurs offering their products or their activities from November 4 to January 21, 2020: Iberian delicatessen, the creation of chocolate: from the bean to the bar, fishing articles, electric scooters, Colombian lifting, hemp oil.




The European Diabetes Study Centre (CeeD) is an association under local law as well as a recognised public utility organisation. Its purpose is to offer efficient and innovative therapeutic solutions to fight against diabetes.

Its activities focus on fundamental and clinical research, epidemiology and public health actions.

For the past two years, Place des Halles has welcomed the CeeD twice a year for free, painless and anonymous express screening days. These events make it possible to detect abnormal blood sugar levels and thus help save lives.